Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení

Risks and Benefits
European Social and Health Policy focus
Old-age, survivors and invalidity pensions
Sickness and maternity/paternity benefits in cash
Collection of social security contributions
Medical assessment
Applicable legislation in cross-border movement
Aim, structure and tasks of the organization
Czech Social Security Administration (CSSA) is a public administration and the most important social insurance institution in the Czech Republic, with CSSA headquarters, Regional Social Security Administrations, their District Social Security Administrations and the Institute for Medical Assessment. With a few exceptions (e.g. members of the armed forces), CSSA covers all insured persons - employees and self-employed persons. Its main tasks are collection and recovery of social security contributions, payment of pension benefits, payment of sickness benefits and maternity/paternity benefits in cash, determination of applicable legislation, evaluation of the state of health and working ability of insured persons for the purposes of all types of social security benefits and acts as liaison body.