Interessenvertretung der Innungskrankenkassen

Hegelplatz 1, 10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 20 24 91 41
Phone: +49 30 20 24 91 41
Risks and Benefits
Sickness benefits - maternity benefits - employment injuries/occupational diseases - family benefits
European Social and Health Policy focus
Open Method of Coordination in the health-care sector
Questions of cross-border take up of benefits
Influences of the European competition and cartel law
Developments on single markets with signification to the statutory health insurance
Aim, structure and tasks of the organization
The IKK-Association aims the prevention of sickness as well as a high quality medicinal supply and an appropriated aftercare.
The IKK is the health insurance scheme of the craftsmen.
The IKK is a self-managed corporate body of public law. The body of authority comes out of the general elections.
Number of member organisations: 23 guild health insurance schemes.
Regular insured single persons: 3,2 millions.
Insures all together with family members: 4,5 millions.